Thank you for sharing so much hope and beauty, Zina!! I feel refreshed.

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Thank you for the most soothing and hopeful post-election piece that I have read.

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I think this is the highest compliment I’ve ever gotten on my Substack! ❤️

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The Lincoln quote is apt.

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Thank you. I often think that every election cycle we should post the closing of this address repeatedly. Restack, retweet, repost. The sentiments are so true and so eloquently delivered.

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Hopkins is a tonic in the hardest times. I love the lines you quoted, and also “There lives the dearest freshness deep down things.”

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Amusingly, I used the phrase "deep down things" once in a history paper and got a note from the professor that I was being ungrammatical. :)

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You can’t be too careful about those allusions.

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Oh, that’s a tonic too! I feel like for the next month or so we should find all the finest verses that exist and put them all out into the world. An anti-venom for the poison we have been given.

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Yes the world is in a better place! I am signed up and looking forward to Tamara's class tomorrow!

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Oh, Diane! That’s fantastic. I would have signed up for the class too but I have a course that meets Monday nights. Tamara is great. I hope you have a great time and tell the CLA peeps I said hi.

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Lovely photos--and what wonderful tidbits from the conference. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, Erika! ❤️ It was fun, and I met so many smart and interesting people. And I got to share a bit about the projects I’m working on too.

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